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Calling Scouts of the World

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Scouting,

I write to you with a heart full of pride for what we’ve accomplished and a hopeful spirit for what lies ahead. In the rugged landscapes of Armenia, our scouting group stands as a beacon of resilience and dedication.

Throughout the year, in every season, we embark on camping adventures that not only test our skills but strengthen our bonds. We are the only scouts in Armenia who brave the elements all year round, learning to thrive in the face of nature’s challenges.

But our journey goes beyond the trails we tread. We extend our hands in service to those in need, supporting refugees, and bringing joy to orphanages through our charity works. Each month, we trek through the wilderness, not just for ourselves but to connect with the land and each other in a profound way.

Our Merit Badge program sets us apart, enriching our lives with knowledge and skills that shape us into better individuals and leaders. Since 2010, our editorial team has been the voice of our scouting adventures, sharing our stories and inspiring others.

And who can forget the pride of our first Scouts Marching band, marching to the beat of our own drums and trumpets, spreading joy and camaraderie wherever we go.

Today, I humbly ask for your support. A donation of just $1 from each of us can change everything. It can help us secure our own campsite, ensuring that our traditions continue and our adventures thrive.

Together, let’s show the world the strength of our unity and the depth of our commitment. Let’s build a future where scouting in Armenia shines brighter than ever before.

With love and solidarity,
Saro Tatios | Chief Scout Executive
Scouts of Armenia | ARALEZ

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